After a long restless night of cleaning, packing, showering, shaving, painting my toes and more cleaning; we were ready to head to the hospital at 3 am Tuesday morning. They got us all settled in and started me on Pitocin around 4. I spent the next few hours tossing and turning while Shawn slept soundly on the cozy sofa couch. At 6 am my new nurse April arrived-LOVED her. She was amazing at her job and we bonded. :) It was so nice to have someone to visit with and pass the time, because let's face it Shawn is not the best company that early in the morning.
I probably dealt with extreme contractions for maybe 10 minutes before she rushed to get me my epidural just after 7, and from that point on it was smooth sailing.
I felt so wonderfully relaxed, I was actually able to enjoy myself for a couple hours while we discussed name options and waited until I was fully dialated and effaced. It was a little after 10 when my nurse decided it was time to call the doctor in, and I pushed a total of 3 times before our little man arrived purple and screaming @ 10:48 am.
Grandma Jo must have left Kanab the second she received Shawn's picture message because she arrived at the hospital exactly 90 minutes later being little Linkon's first visitor.
Of course his big sisters followed shortly after.
Cousins Summer & Londyn were SOOO excited about new the baby and couldn't wait to see him...but since they weren't allowed in our hospital room..they had to take the back way up the gravel hill to the outside window where they got their first peek at the little one.
Other hospital visitors included Grandma Shawna & Lexi, Aunt Jessica & Lisa, and even Jaxon & Terrell stopped by to check him out in the nursery window.
Going Home.