We began our season with welcoming Mr. Elfie to the family, the name of course was chosen entirely by Brylie. Despite Shawns efforts to be more inventive but Bry was positive and I thought it fit nicely.
Mr. Elfie was given to me by my amazing friend Jamie who honestly knows more about kids than I ever will, and man I wish I could keep him around all year. He came to us at Thanksgiving from the North Pole to spy for Santa and he would pop up in the most random of places.
Lauryn just basically loved playing hide and seek with him and would call out his name first thing in the morning. "Mr. Ephie, wer aur ou??" but he made sure Brylie was on her BEST behavior at all times! Really she was an absolute angle ALL month, I kept waiting for the excitement to wear off and her attitude to reappear but it never happened. She was the sweetest most helpful, polite little girl I have ever met. I sure did love Mr. Elfie, THANK YOU Jamie.
Christmas Eve P.J.s
All cozy in their snuggies from Grandma.
Our Little Family Christmas Party
Polar Express on the Heber Creeper
My dad set it up for the whole family to go on the Polar Express this year and Bry was the perfect age for it. She was SO excited about everything that was happening. Mr. & Mrs. Clause came, we sang Christmas songs, had hot chocolate and cookies made with pixie dust...which she told me tasted quite good! It was so much fun to have all of the cousins with us and I loved watching as her eyes lit up over EVERYTHING! 2 months later she is still talking about it.
While wrapping presents I looked over and immediately recognized Bry's guilty face but it took me a while to realize what she was hiding in the box.
It was a wonderful holiday but now i am ready for spring. :)
Ash... please please please keep updating your blog! I love reading it and keeping up on your little family! So cute! I still can't get over how much your girls look like you!
I LOVE the way Jayci (I can't remember how you spell your Jayci) is looking at Mrs. Claus. Classic! The Polar Express looks SO fun!
And I must say that your cookies for Santa have some mad decorating skills! Props to you.
I love the entire Christmas post! :)
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