Friday, July 16, 2010

Amish Country

When my mom was here we headed down to Intercourse, PA. I know it's hard to hear the name without laughing but that really is the town, and really I do "heart" intercourse-as i have the key chain to prove. :) It is like stepping back in time... wagons, horses, buggies, homemade everything, exactly how you would imagine it. Well except for the giant Target down the block but other than that exact. Very cool.
We did get stuck at the petting zoo for quite some time because well, that was a party in itself. But Bry had her mind set on going for a ride in the horse & buggy, unfortunately by the time we found one she was only able to last 5 minutes before crashing...I do hope she enjoyed those 5 minutes. :)

Chelsea said...

So fun! Had me laughing you (h) Intercourse. lol! I would love someday to go to amish country, I bet it is so calm & tranquil. Looks like a great time with the little ones, buggy rides... how fun!

JEN said...

Ha! That is awesome... and of all places, it's Amish Country:)

See what I am saying? You guys are always up to some fun! Exploring the things around you. I told you last time I was going to be more like you. I lied. I am just not ambitious enough to take out 2 little boys... on my own! But I will keep watching for more of what YOU have been up to to fill me in:)

p.s. Bridger just asked if he could play with Briley. And why isn't