Friday, June 24, 2011

Where to begin???

Seems like we have been going, going, going lately. We made the journey from Cedar City to Fresno California right after Easter. Although closer than most Summers it did seem like a LONG journey. The girls were excellent though and kept me entertained the entire way by singing ALL of the songs from Tangled, asking a million questions, and inventing silly games to play with each other. They had me laughing the whole time. Just a few things I heard from the backseat were...
" Lauryn, doesn't it seem like fog is just clouds walking our way."
"Bryee! Get off, I not your illow!"
" Mom I feel so bad for daddy, he has no one to visit with. It would probably be best if I rode with daddy I am a good visitor and we don't want him to be lonely."
" Look at that most beautiful star, it changes color." That's not a star Bry it's an airplane. "Well it is my favorite airplane... it twinkles."
"Mom, this is the BEST day of my entire life."

After a few weeks in Fresno it was time to head back to Utah, then off to Costa Rica for a week, then to Kanab to spend time with Grandma and back to Cedar...and finally we made another journey to California where we plan to stay for a while. We have had a great time everywhere we went but are glad to be back. Below are a few of the things we've found to do here in Fresno.

National Train Day

Wandering around the River Park shops...

and occasionally stopping for some delicioso Yogurt.

Finding Frogs,which the girls love and become instantly attached.
Every time I try to explain that the majority of frogs DO NOT turn into princes, and please do not try to kiss them. Still every time we have a long tearful goodbye whenever it is time to let the froggies go. Good thing our apartment seems to have an abundance of them.

Building Forts

Riding Scooters

by far the FAVORITE toy we brought out here, thank you Aunt Jess!


And it is not my idea of Summer until you have a little...
Pool Time. Which now that we have reached the hundred degree temperatures always sounds like a good idea.

Most of all we are just happy to be in one place for a minute with not a lot to get done. I think we have all enjoyed relaxing for a bit...well except for Shawn we send him off to work while we relax. ;)


JEN said...

Finally! :) I am so glad to see some cute pics. And hear about your travels around the world. I miss you guys! And I love that you brought scooters out... so did we! Great minds think alike:) And you gotta love those bright orange shirts!! Haha

Joyce said...

So proud of you!!!!! And tell Brylie she looks like Rapunzel in the picture of her holding the frog!

Hollie said...

HAHAHA So my mom was signed into her account and i didn't even notice. So that comment was from me....hollie. :) That gave me a good laugh!! haha

Kassi said...

I love that your girls love frogs! It makes me smile :) sounds like you have been having some fun traveling! I'd love to see pics from costa rica!