Time is quickly running out for us in Cali and I still have activities on my to do list. Jelly belly is no longer one of them. Last Sunday we happened to be in Fairfield so I made Shawn stop at the Jelly Belly Factory to take the free tour of how Jelly Belly Beans are made. It was a lot of fun, and very insightful! :)
Bry was super excited about her hat...for about 2 minutes.
One of my main reasons for going was to get my sister a bag of belly flops (those are the jelly beans that don't look perfect, but still very tasty.) I am a very thoughtful sister and I know she has a sweet spot for Jelly Belly's, however they went up to $9 dollars a bag, and I'm NOT that thoughtful. But don't worry Lis we did manage to save you a free sample bag. :)
This Ronald Reagan picture is entirely made out of Jelly Beans, I thought it was so impressive!
(F.Y.I. He also had a sweet spot for the Belly Beans, and was the one who helped to make them famous. His favorite being blueberry,...i think. :)
Probably Brylie's favorite part of the afternoon was that Daddy let her have a picnic in the back of our car. She thought it was the coolest thing ever, and I was just super excited to find an Arbys, which are harder to come by out here...but I do love the curly fries. :)