Time is quickly running out for us in Cali and I still have activities on my to do list. Jelly belly is no longer one of them. Last Sunday we happened to be in Fairfield so I made Shawn stop at the Jelly Belly Factory to take the free tour of how Jelly Belly Beans are made. It was a lot of fun, and very insightful! :)
Bry was super excited about her hat...for about 2 minutes.
One of my main reasons for going was to get my sister a bag of belly flops (those are the jelly beans that don't look perfect, but still very tasty.) I am a very thoughtful sister and I know she has a sweet spot for Jelly Belly's, however they went up to $9 dollars a bag, and I'm NOT that thoughtful. But don't worry Lis we did manage to save you a free sample bag. :)
This Ronald Reagan picture is entirely made out of Jelly Beans, I thought it was so impressive!
(F.Y.I. He also had a sweet spot for the Belly Beans, and was the one who helped to make them famous. His favorite being blueberry,...i think. :)
Probably Brylie's favorite part of the afternoon was that Daddy let her have a picnic in the back of our car. She thought it was the coolest thing ever, and I was just super excited to find an Arbys, which are harder to come by out here...but I do love the curly fries. :)
AHHH!! Arby's?! You found an Arby's? I am so jealous. Have I ever told you that french fries are my biggest weekness? Well, curly fries are the BEST (worst) for me!! I miss them so much:) I am glad you made your way to the Jelly Belly factory! It really is a pretty fun time. But I am pretty sure it wasn't blueberry... maybe it was though. I thought it was licorice, no? Maybe you are right:) I don't remember. Those pictures are pretty awesome!!
Yes I think it was licorice too! I had a fun time going there too. Although, I think they could make the free tour a little more interesting for children. My kids got pretty bored after a few minutes. I'm glad you guys got to go.
Ok ok...I guess it may be possible I am wrong...although it does not happen very often, I do know that licorice is the second most popular...after very cherry and I'm positive I got that one right. :)
Very Cherry... maybe it was that one. I really don't remember! Ha ha... I am still just jealous that you had Arby's without me!
Love the picnic in the car.:)
Oh how fun! I have never been to the Jelly Belly Factory but it looks like a blast especially for little kids. Yeah picnic in the car is usually what my dad would have us do. The Ronald Reagan pic is hilarious. Love all the pics.
Yeah I found you guys! Blog stalking really is the best! :) Your family is so cute! I love the family pictures! Your girls are gorgeous! Shawn, you look so grown up! I guess that's about right cause we ARE getting old! :) And you really need to work on that farmers tan! Ha, only kidding. You guys are so cute and Ashley you are so skinny! You look awesome! Well hope everything is going good, keep practicing those computer skills! - Jeri K. (our email is jdnjkwright@yahoo.com if you'd like to view our blog!)
I love the jelly belly factory. Glad you guys went. can't believe we are all going home. Bitter sweet. I'll be calling you about that card group! :)
Hey Ashley! I found your blog off of Jen's. It looks like you guys had an awesome summer. This is so weird, but I kind of got to know Shawn's sister this summer, Syndi, and I feel like I know you guys better too!! I know I am weird. Anyway, hope you don't care if I check your blog out!!
OK, so I've sucked at checking blogs. First of all the sunset pictures at the lake, SO PRETTY! I wish I had taken them myself. :) Second of all, the Jelly Belly Factory brings back so many memories! I loved that place!
It looks like you had a fun summer, but I'm glad that you are home in Utah. I can't wait to see you.
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