My kids are not really what would call easy going. OK let me rephrase that, BRYLIE is not easy going and wants constant attention, that is unless.....she is getting into trouble, in which case she says "mommy go take care of Lauryn" hint: leave her alone because she doesn't want me seeing what she is up to.
Lately however I really have not even cared what she was into as long as I could have 5 minutes peace. After about 15 minutes though I began to worry, and sure enough this is what I found...
Two little girls with no pants on and a whole bag of potato chips on the floor.
Lauryn apparently thought it would be easier to dump them out instead of having to reach into the bag every time!
Brylie was happy to help clean up after the mess she had made
but insisted on having Lauryn help too, because well, she was the one who dumped them on the floor.
As for the no pants, well I must admit that was probably just laziness on my part. :) And I still believe my 15 minutes of quiet was worth the mess.