It is on the first floor of our apartment complex and is the only spot of grass we have so this is the place we go when we can't handle the apartment any longer. (quite often :)
Our last visit to the rock park the kids found a friend ...
Wormie! He was quite the excitement and everybody wanted a turn to hold him, wormie was passed around, put in the dump truck to have a ride, and oohed and aaed at by all!
Poor Wormie, thanks for the entertainment, hope you survived....until next time!
Wormie currently resides in our apartment. On our counter. In a bottle. The kids made him a nice, comfortable home and asked if WE would care for him. We will see how long wormie survives:)
Poor wormie. Max still misses that little pet!
Ash I haven't checked up on your blog for awhile! The water park place looks cute. I love pools where the kiddos can touch AND are fun. I think the new pool here in Kanab is great for that. Trey is in heaven at that place! As for Wormie....good job pawning him off on Jen;)
I can't believe they aren't Potter fans! I mean really!!! I have also heard it is the best one so far. It looks like it will be. Pluse they last two books really are my favoirte so I have been waiting for this for a long time. To bad you are on the other side of the country (literally) or we could go together :)
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